Holiday Lights Are My Favorite Thing

Posted December 12th, 2023

There are so many things I love about the holiday season, but the one thing that I love most is the lights and the music! I love relaxing on my couch admiring the twinkling lights and listening to holiday music, it really boosts my mood! For someone who is navigating a cancer diagnosis or going […]

Tips from Your Cancer Care Team – Coping with Treatment During the Holidays

Posted December 8th, 2021

The holiday season can be stressful, overwhelming, and exhausting. This is often even more true if you are undergoing or recovering from cancer treatment. It’s important to still enjoy the holiday season, but without pushing yourself too hard. So, here’s a list of tips that will hopefully allow you to navigate your cancer treatments during […]

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Posted August 17th, 2021

One of my favorite things about being a radiation therapist is the relationships that are formed, and the bonds that are created with patients. In most cases, I get the opportunity to interact with my patients daily for several weeks. I know that patients also value this relationship and I have been told hundreds of […]

Foodie Fridays-Gazpacho: A Favorite Summer Soup

Posted August 6th, 2021

Now that we are in the hottest month of the year in Pennsylvania, I have found myself digging through my summer recipes for cold foods. One of my favorite dishes to make in the summer is gazpacho. For those who don’t know about gazpacho, it is a Spanish-style soup, served cold typically made from tomatoes […]

When Caregiving Takes a Toll

Posted May 28th, 2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Over the next few weeks, OncoLink will feature blogs about common mental health challenges faced by cancer patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Please remember, if you are in crisis, help is available. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Helpline 800-950-6264 A caregiver is someone […]

Mental Health Awareness for Health Care Providers

Posted May 21st, 2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Over the next few weeks, OncoLink will feature blogs about common mental health challenges faced by cancer patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.  Please remember, if you are in crisis, help is available. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Helpline 800-950-6264 Mental health disorders are […]

I Received the COVID-19 Vaccine – Now What?

Posted February 8th, 2021

Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is an important step towards ending the pandemic – congratulations! Once you have received both doses of the  COVID-19 vaccine, you may be wondering what’s next. The vaccine is shown to be 95% effective about a week or two after the second dose is received. It is important to remain vigilant […]

Preparing for your COVID-19 Vaccine: What to Ask your Provider

Posted February 1st, 2021

Patients with cancer should strongly consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available. If you are currently undergoing cancer treatment, you should speak to your provider about receiving the vaccine. It may be best to prepare a list of questions prior to speaking with them. Some questions you may want to ask are: Should […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Myth Busters

Posted January 28th, 2021

Myth: The COVID-19 vaccines aren’t safe because they were developed so quickly. Truth: The vaccines were indeed developed much faster than typical vaccines are normally developed. This is largely due to funding, getting the genetic code early, using technology that has been in development and testing for many years and the rapid recruitment rate of […]

Understanding FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Posted January 21st, 2021

In the United States, before any vaccine can be given, it must be approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). This process usually takes many years. However, during a public health emergency, such as the current Covid-19 pandemic, the FDA has the option to allow emergency use of experimental drugs, devices, vaccines and other […]