Thank You and You’re Welcome – Happy Nurses Week!

Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN
Karen Arnold-Korzeniowski, BSN, RN

Most nurses I have worked with or spoken to, agree that as nurses we work a demanding job, both physically and emotionally, but we can’t imagine ourselves doing anything else. All nurses need to be patient, intelligent, honest, hard working and willing to occasionally skip a meal. Thank you to all of the nurses out there who work tirelessly, in both patient care and other positions. Thank you to all of the nursing educators out there who prepare us to practice to the best of our ability. Thank you to all of the nurses in management positions who work to make sure their nurses are well supported. I could go on, but to all the nurses out there, thank you!

Last week I attended a memorial service for the families of oncology patients who have passed away. Part of the memorial service gave attendees the opportunity to say a few words at a microphone. Many of those who spoke conveyed gratitude towards the physicians, nurse practitioners, nursing staff and ancillary staff for the care that their loved ones had received. Their gratitude included words of thanks for the emotional support received, the answers to numerous questions while being cared for and for prolonging their lives. I was brought to tears listening to the gratitude extended towards all members of the health care team.

If I had the guts to get up in front of everyone my response would have been “you’re welcome and thank you”. You are welcome for the care we provide. But, more importantly, thank you for letting us take care of you. Thank you for letting us take care of you and your loved ones during some of, if not the most, difficult times of your lives. Thank you for giving us the privilege of getting to know you, spending time with you and for also getting to know us. It is an honor to be part of the team caring for you.

Nurses, please take time this week to enjoy some of the festivities in your workplace celebrating you and all the hard work you do! Also, consider thanking your patients and their loved ones for giving you the opportunity to be part of the team caring for them.

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