Treatment Options
Information about treatment options for brain tumors.
GammaTile Therapy
GammaTile Therapy uses brachytherapy to stop brain tumors from coming back after surgery. The tiles begin delivering radiation right away, killing any remaining tumor cells, so the cells are not able to grow.
Lobes of the Brain and Their Functions
This diagram will help you understand the different lobes of the brain and their functions.
Surgical Procedures: Craniotomy
A craniotomy is a surgical procedure done to access the brain that may be recommended for brain tumors and/or the need to obtain a brain biopsy.
Surgical Procedures: Intraoperative Brain Mapping
Intraoperative brain mapping, also referred to as awake brain surgery or an awake craniotomy, is a way to perform brain surgery while the patient remains awake.
Possible Side Effects of Radiation Treatment for Brain Tumors
Side effects of radiation therapy tend to be directly related to the area being treated. This article will discuss both short-term and long-term side effects of radiation for brain tumors.
Claustrophobia and Anxiety With Mask Use for Radiation Therapy
Claustrophobia and anxiety are common when a patient is receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancers. This article provides ways to help manage claustrophobia and anxiety.
Radiation Therapy Thermoplastic Mask
If your treatment plan includes radiation therapy to your head, neck, or brain then you will likely need a thermoplastic mask for treatment. This article explains how the mask is made to fit your head and face for use during treatment.