Spiritual Care and Cancer

Author: Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C
Last Reviewed: July 23, 2024

What is spirituality?

  • The ways individuals seek and express meaning and purpose.
  • How individuals experience connectedness to a moment, to their being, to their relationships, to the world around them, to the sacred, and to god/higher power.
  • Our spiritual beliefs and practices are highly individual.
  • Expressed in many ways including:
    • Attending organized religious/spiritual services or activities.
    • Prayer.
    • Meditation.
    • Creative expression (i.e. music, art).

Serious illness Can Change the Way We Answer "The Big Questions."

  • Who am I?
  • What is life all about?
  • Do I have a purpose?
  • Why am I here?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • Why is there suffering?

What are some common spiritual concerns when facing a cancer diagnosis/treatment?

  • Mortality
    • Am I going to die?
  • Identity
    • Who am I?
    • What is important to me?
    • What will I become?
    • What does life mean to me?
  • Loss, grief, and mourning: Loss is common throughout the cancer experience:
    • Loss of ability to work.
    • Loss of hair.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Loss of energy.
    • Loss of fertility.
    • Loss of future plans
    • Loss of life.
  • Spirituality and religion can help us grieve for that which is lost.
  • Spirituality and religion can also help us discover what can be gained.
  • Maintaining Hope
    • Maintaining optimism.
    • Miracles.
    • Re-framing hope: If cure or control is not possible, what is the next best thing to hope for?

What are some symptoms of spiritual distress?

  • A concern with the meaning of life and death and/or belief system.
  • Anger towards God/the Ultimate (as defined by the individual).
  • Questioning the meaning of suffering.
  • Verbalizing inner conflicts about beliefs.
  • Verbalizing concern about our relationship with God/ the 'Ultimate' (as defined by the individual).
  • Questioning the meaning of one's own existence.
  • Changing usual religious or spiritual practices.
  • Displacement of anger onto religious/spiritual support persons, caregivers, and family members.
  • Increased anger, crying, hostility, withdrawal, and apathy.
  • Viewing illness as a punishment.

What are the benefits of addressing spiritual concerns and incorporating spiritual practices into my cancer care plan?

  • Can assist with adjustment to your cancer diagnosis and its treatment.
  • Increases quality of life.
  • Provides a sense of strength and belonging.
  • Highlights the potential for growth.
  • Provides a positive outlet for hope.
  • Helps to address "unfinished business" and repair fractured relationships.
  • Provides an opportunity for a life review.
  • Offers a sense of inner peace.

Who can help me address spiritual or religious distress in my cancer experience?

  • A religious leader from a church, mosque, synagogue, or other institution.
  • A spiritual guide.
  • A spiritual care professional at your treatment center.
  • Other healthcare team members including your doctor, nurses, and social worker.
  • Your family and friends.

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