Caring for Lymphedema Bandages

Author: Sarena Banas, PT, DPT
Last Reviewed: August 04, 2023


Do you have any tips for caring for my lymphedema bandages? I find they get very wrinkled and twisted, making them harder to put on.


Bandages should be washed as needed. You can hand wash them or put in a washing machine in a garment bag. One way to do this is to fold the bandage in half, then again (to ¼ size), and again to 1/8 size – as if you were folding a towel. Use a safety pin to pin it in the middle to hold it in the folded shape. Place the pinned bandage into the garment bag and wash in the washing machine.

Bandages should not be put in the dryer. The dryer causes them to lose elasticity. Hang them to air dry. To help them dry quicker, once removed from the washing machine, you can place the bandage in a towel and squeeze to get out extra water. Hang in a warm but not damp place to dry if possible. Do not hang to dry outside in the sun as the UV rays also can cause the bandages to lose elasticity.

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